Friday, November 20, 2009

Terms you'll need and want to know...

  • Lockdown - this is announced on the speaker usually and is a term used to tell you to get to your bunk ASAP and stay there until head count is done. You want to really pay attention to this. Failure to do so can and may result in everyone in the tents being penalized with something. Example: Commissary (vending machines) may be taken away or everyone may be forced to stay on their bunks for a few hours. 
  • Rolled-up or Rolled-out - this basically means that an inmate is being taken from the Con-tents where you are to the "other" tents. Some call them Pup-tents, others call them Estrella. I'm not sure what the difference is, if any, but from what I understand you're in with tougher people and stricter rules. Try not to get rolled up by following the rules they give you.
  • Commissary - this is the time they give you in the vending machines. For men, you have the commissary available to you at all times. For women, you only get it twice a day, if that. Some days they'll take one of them or both away. Just depends on the mood of the D.O. on duty, it seems.
  • D.O.  = Detention Officer - some are nice, some mean, some have  stick up their arses. Just be nice and ask as little questions as possible. You'll have better luck asking one of the other inmates. 
  • Take-outs - most nights between 11pm and midnight, names will be called on the loud speaker for people who are being transported back to LBJ or elsewhere for release. Some people are released in the morning as well.
  • Work release - This is when the court allows for you, the inmate, to leave for 12 hours, 5 days out of the week. You want to put your I.D. card in the disignated box by the office at least an 1 1/2 hours before your time of release each day. You'll want to be up front by the gate to go at least a 1/2 hour before your release. They usually let you out early so don't miss your exit time by rolling up to the gate area at the exact time you're supposed to go. Trust me on this one.
  • Work furlough - This is also court ordered that allows for you to leave the tents ONLY for work. I don't know a lot of details about this but I will update this section once I get details.
  • Tent flaps - the tent flaps should be rolled up the sides of the tents after breakfast. This is usually a team effort but be aware the D.O.'s do remind you to do this and will threaten to penalize everyone if it's not done. 
  • Chow - food...this is what you'll hear announced on the loud speakers when meals are available. The D.O.'s usually ask for male volunteers to help.
  • P.O. - Probation officer - not all inmates have one. Only those assigned to one by the course.
  • Home detention - some inmates will be ordered by the court to do time in the tents and time at home.
(Additional terms will be added and updated as they come along.)

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